Istituto Italo Calvino is an upper secondary school, corresponding to the high school level, operating in three different fields of study: science, human sciences (anthropology, psychology, pedagogy), administration-finance and marketing, agriculture. Italo Calvino has got two branches located in two different neighbouring districts which can easily reach Milan.

We have around 1400 students aged 13 to 18 and more than 150 teachers. “Building real and virtual Bridges” intends to create a connection among different groups from different countries, both in a real and virtual world. Its aim is to go beyond frontiers , remove obstacles in order to reach “the effective communication”, a loyal approach towards other people thanks to a constructive sharing of ideas among teachers and students from different EU countries. The final goal is a profitable cooperation for the purpose of achieveing inclusivity, integration, tolerance through the correct use of the new technologies due to an efficient team-work on matters related to the birth of stereotypes, Bullying and Cyber-bullying at school. With the approval of the law 71/2017 which obliges schools to be the main place to prevent bullying, a referent has been appointed to start a process involving all the classes of Calvino Institute, based on the diffusion of mutual awareness of the main problems related to all forms of violence.

Our Erasmus+ Team consists of 5 people, Monica Felicetti and Cinzia Masnata, english teachers; Fabio Comini and Francesco Necchi, ITC competences experts; Mercedes Auteri, Cyberbulling expert and Coordinator. All the above mentioned teachers have a permanent contract so the probability of leaving is very low, but in case it should happen, the school can rely on other teachers who will happily join the Erasmus+ team. All Erasmus staff members have taken part in a teacher training course concerning law 71/2017 and would be able to carry forward the program of activities proposed to the partners.


Project Co-financed by the ERASMUS+ PROGRAM
FINANCIAL CONTRACT No.: 2020-1-IT02-KA229-079259_4

Istituto Italo Calvino


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