On the last day, 12th May, at Cascina Granda the teams worked together at the creation of  the ultimate product of this unique experience, a podcast about Building Bridges, where everybody had the chance of talking about the journey, leaving comments, telling stories and sharing ideas. After lunch all the teams gathered at school, where the teachers worked on project management and implementation activities  while  the students were busy filling the project evaluation forms.

In the afternoon everybody had  a memorable time during the Closing Ceremony, when the Certificates of Attendance were delivered. Dancing and Gourmet dinner at the farewell ceremony marked the end of this incredible week!

Returning flights were scheduled on 13 th May…goodbye dear friends, see you soon!


Project Co-financed by the ERASMUS+ PROGRAM
FINANCIAL CONTRACT No.: 2020-1-IT02-KA229-079259_4

Work and dance together


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