ITALY will programme both the content of the questionnaire and the teachers/students’ refresher activities thanks to the changes introduced in its educational offer in accordance with law 77/2017 on Cyberbullying.

BULGARIA will create an e-Twinning group to exchange information about the results of the project, project meetings, project activities at each school, dissemination of the results in local community and media where each and every partner can share photos, files, videos in the Twin space.

PORTUGAL will contribute to the creation of the project website, where all students can share their creations; will work actively doing videos and other digital works, using different devices, and different ICT technologies, against cyberbullying.

TURKEY will shoot a short film about the conscious use of technology, web, social media. They will also create a project logo to promote activities, EU identity, the importance of the journey against discrimination.


The dissemination plan involves:
a project website; newsletter; social network sites (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook); media coverage; workshops with experts and with students in peer-education the release of results together with some excerpts from travel journals spread of results through the Internet (dissemination platform, websites, social networks), events, press.

We plan in the future to continue to do activities with other classes, the realization of workshops assisted by the students involved in the project to other students of our school, or even in the local community. All the works produced by our students can be published in the local newspaper.
Good dissemination of the project will rely on the electronic devices that already exist and those that will be built, such as grouping page; moodle platform; blogs, and social networks. In addition to these devices, dissemination will also undergo strong discussion in sharing panels open to the community,

Project Co-financed by the ERASMUS+ PROGRAM
FINANCIAL CONTRACT No.: 2020-1-IT02-KA229-079259_4

Work Process & Expected Results


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