Future Programme Structure

  • Key Action 1: Mobility of learners and staff
  • Key Action 2: Partnerships for cooperation and exchange of practices
  • Key Action 3: Support to policy development and cooperation


The new program will continue to provide learning and mobility opportunities for pupils, apprentices, young people, students and teachers. It will have a strong focus on the inclusion of people with fewer opportunities and will strengthen transnational cooperation opportunities for universities, vocational education and training institutions. Erasmus+ will continue to support cooperation in the field of sport.

The financial envelope for the implementation of the Erasmus+ program for the 2021-2027 period will be 26.2 Billion €. The significant increase in the program budget means that more people will be able to benefit from the program. It appears that the program will pay special attention to inclusion of people with fewer opportunities. This is a remarkably good attempt by the Union, considering the increasing migration to the EU. This increase means that there will be new and more generations of migrants in the European societies and this action by the Union will enable their integration with the societies all over Europe.

It seems that the new program will pay special attention to reflect the priorities of the Union, while continuing to build on the previous program and opportunities. The program’s new agenda will work to include anyone who can and is willing to take part in the program. In conclusion, the significantly increased budget will enable inclusion of more people with a wholistic approach. Also, the program will bring new focus points and make sure to pay special attention to ever changing necessities of the century. Erasmus+ will continue to provide excellent opportunities for its beneficiaries!

As the European Development Network, we will continue to create positive impact and implement innovative projects under our main thematic work areas entrepreneurship & employment, culture & creative industries and environmental issues all around Europe. For the following 7 years, we will continue to work hard and contribute to sustainable development goals and priorities of the European Union with our 25+ Members! For more information about the Erasmus+ 2021-27 programme please check the Official Website for Erasmus+. Also, don’t forget to check Erasmus+ on Twitter for more information.

Project Co-financed by the ERASMUS+ PROGRAM
FINANCIAL CONTRACT No.: 2020-1-IT02-KA229-079259_4



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